Utthan Pristhasana is considered to be one of the best yoga asanas for the muscles of the hips. This is a moderate-level yoga asana and can be a bit challenging for new practitioners. Utthan Pristhasana is called “Lizard Pose” in English. Through 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, you can learn yoga and get complete information about yoga.
Benefits of Lizard Pose:
If Utthan Prajasana is done with the right technique and taking care of special things, then many health benefits can be obtained from it –
1. Hip Stretch Uplifting Posture
This yoga asana is considered to be a panacea for problems related to the hips. It provides adequate stretch to the hips, which reduces stiffness and pain in the muscles.
2. Strengthen the Thighs Uplift Pejasana
Utthan Prajasana is a beneficial yoga posture for people who have problems with leg cramps. By practicing this yoga daily, the muscles of the thighs become strong.
3. Uplifting the spinal cord to keep the spinal cord flexible
Utthan Prajasana can also be very beneficial in bringing flexibility to the bones of the spine, by this, back pain, stiffness, and other problems can be overcome.
4. Provides peace of mind Utthan Pegasana
It not only improves physical health, but it also benefits the mental state a lot. Practicing Utthan Prajasana daily keeps the mood good and problems like insomnia are also cured.
However, the benefits to be gained from practicing Utthan Prajasana may vary according to the health condition of each individual as well as depending on how the yogasana is being performed.
Steps to do Utthan Pristhasana:
If you are going to practice Utthan Pejnasana for the first time, then the following steps may help you to adopt this yoga posture –
1 – Lay the mat on flat ground and make the downward-facing Shavasana yoga posture on it.
2 – While increasing the weight of the ground on the hands, bring the hips down a little and make the mouth towards the front.
3 – Bend the right knee, bring it forward and keep the foot just below the hip
4 – Now while taking the hands forward, keep the elbows on the ground, so that your right knee will come equal to the chest.
By making this yoga posture, you can take 5 to 10 deep breaths and then slowly come back to a normal state. If you have any questions related to this yoga posture, then talk to an experienced yoga instructor.
Precautions during Utthan Pristhasana:
It is very important to keep the following things in mind while practicing Utthan Pejasana Yoga asana –
- Try not to forcefully stretch the hips
- don’t strain the neck
- Keep both hands parallel and just below the shoulders
- Do not try to force any action
When not to do Utthan Pristhasana:
If you have any of the following health-related problems, then you should talk to the doctor before practicing Utthan Prajasana –
- Severe pain or injury to any part of the body
- Feeling tired or weak
- Menstruation or pregnancy
- Respiratory or cardiovascular disease