Master Singapore Maths Curriculum with Maths tuition in Singapore
Singapore maths curriculum has marked a great transformation from how math was previously taught in classrooms and colleges. There are loads of benefits to using this three-step learning model. It includes a change in focus from concrete learning to pictorial to abstract. Singapore maths curriculum aligns with the foundation of maths concepts. This type of learning maths permits pupils to grow without any unnecessary busy work and is ideal for them. You can join Maths tuition in Singapore to learn about the Singapore math curriculum.
Learn what is Singapore Maths from the best Maths tuition in Singapore
The content does not make Singapore Math distinct from other procedures but philosophy makes the difference. The complete framework of Singapore Math is developed focussing on the idea that pivots on learning problem solving and developing mathematical thinking. These are the two main factors to becoming successful in mathematics. Always remember that without a sturdy foundational base, pupils can not draw when it comes to complex math learning. Singapore math curriculum gives stress highly on teaching skills or concepts. This curriculum opted by most maths tuition in Singapore believes in not moving to further concepts without mastering earlier skills. So, if you face any challenges in understanding the Singapore math curriculum, reach out to a trusted Maths tuition centre in Singapore.
What are the main three steps of this learning model?
Singapore math curriculum uses a brilliant three-step learning model that constantly introduces the concepts in progression. How? Let us see -it first moves from concrete learning to pictorial representation and at last to more abstract. In short, it is known as CPA Approach and through this amazing approach, pupils learn how to do something as well as why it works. Singaporean maths curriculum comes not only with textbooks but also with workbooks as well as home/teacher instructor guides. Learn maths in a better way from the best Maths tuition centre in Singapore.
Dive into the history of Singapore math curriculum
The Singapore Math curriculum program was developed under the Singaporean Ministry of Education’s supervision and was first introduced in 19982 as a Primary mathematics series. Singapore maths is best to supplement kids’ school work which can be extremely helpful not only for schools but also for homeschoolers. This program is favoured not only in Singapore but also in other parts of the world. Singapore is constantly topping the country in trends in TIMSS (International Mathematics and Science study).
Explain Singapore math with an example:
Let us show you an example: Usually, a fourth-grade instruction for maths goes like this – “We are going to learn multiplication today” and pupils watch demonstrations put on by their teachers. Singapore math is quite different. Rather than watching the demonstration of math concepts and then doing similar types of problems to strengthen the idea, pupils are given tasks with theory mastering right at the beginning.
Why do most parents and tuition teachers catch up with the Singapore math curriculum?
This curriculum is famous in both private and public schools for the best reasons because the usage of diagrams while teaching math can offer students a valuable bridge & advanced learning strategies. It also helps in developing intuitive problem-solving skills. There are several benefits of opting for the Singapore Math curriculum. Have a look:
1. Singapore Math focuses highly on mastery
Singapore math curriculum focuses on some math topics but with depth. Pupils do not learn and memorize the equations just for reaching an answer, they understand and learn how the equations work. Singapore Math curriculum allows pupils to hone learned skills. You can contact one of the leading Maths tuition centres in Singapore.
2. Both visual & audible learners are increasing
Learning maths starts with blocks, buttons, cards and so on, and then Pupils start learning about abstract equations like 3+4=7. The Singapore Maths curriculum introduces a unique pictorial step – that acts between abstract and concrete. When we talk about Singapore Math, it starts with “hands-on group actions” with those objects such as dice, buttons and then students move to the pictorial phase representation of different concrete objects before moving to abstract equations. This visual approach is excellent for pupils that increases Singapore Math’s success.
3. Learn stratified strategies of Singapore Maths with Maths tuition centre
There are benefits of layered strategies. They are constructed upon the other. With the help of the Singapore Math curriculum, students can develop one of the best skill sets and that is the foundation for your future lessons just like LEGO bricks, Usual approach to teaching Maths is a kind of spiral one where the mathematics materials are revisited and this is quite jarring for both pupils and teachers.
We hope this blog has helped you to understand every bit of the Singapore Math curriculum. The approach of the Singapore Math curriculum is extremely successful throughout the world. Pupils can definitely gain and score good marks in Maths through Singapore Maths taught by the Maths tuition centre in Singapore.