Home » 563,000+ Tonnes Of Agro Products Exported From Ukraine via ‘Grain Corridors’ Already

563,000+ Tonnes Of Agro Products Exported From Ukraine via ‘Grain Corridors’ Already

by jackyjohn944
563,000+ Tonnes Of Agro Products Exported From Ukraine via 'Grain Corridors' Already

Black sea grain initiative is a success without doubt. Evidence of that is successful export of 563000+ tons of agro products from Ukraine via grain corridors in first fortnight of August 2022. This has happened within a month of signing of accord between Russia, Ukraine and Turkey in tutelage of UN, to start historic black sea grain initiative. Let us hope that prophesy of UN secretary general Antonio Guterres also comes true and this grain initiative ends hunger pangs of this world.

Background Of Opening Of Grain Corridors

There is a background for opening of grain corridors to export food commodities from Ukraine. In the aftermath of Russian invasion of Ukraine all food exports from Ukraine got blocked. This played havoc with global food supplies and suddenly world was staring at a precarious food crisis. This war posed serious threat to food security of many vulnerable countries. World was not only depraved of Ukrainian food supplies but also food and fertilizer supplies from Russia. World reacted to this collectively and negatively and many big agro commodities exporting nations banned or restricted food exports from their shores. Agro Commodities Export bans became a norm rather than exception. Drought like situation was arising in many regions of this world because of shortage of fertilizer due to blockage of Russian fertilizer. No solution was in the sight and then once in a blue moon deal between Russia, Ukraine and Turkey happened, the deal that opened grain corridors under discussion here. This particular deal will not only free Ukrainian grain but also facilitate supply of Russian grain and fertilizer to the world.

Apprehensions About Success Of Deal That Opened Grain Corridors

Within hours of the said deal Russia attacked port of Odesa, the port that was absolutely vital for success of the deal and aspersions were cast almost immediately about the viability of the deal. But Ukrainian president Zelensky stood his ground and just refused to call off the deal in light of Russian shelling. Result is for everyone to see, deal succeeded and just in first fortnight of August 563000+ tons of agro products left Ukraine.

Perseverance Pf President Zelensky made Export Of Astronomical Volumes (563,000+ Tonnes) Of Agro Products via Grain Corridors Possible

In the first fortnight of August 2022, 563000+ tons of agro commodities left Ukraine through grain corridors. This is surreal if we take into account the backdrop in which grain corridors were opened. In this fortnight 36 ships crossed the grain corridors of which 21 left Ukraine with 563317 tons of agro commodities. 15 ships arrived in Ukraine in the same period. 431481 tonnes of corn, 41622 tonnes of wheat, 6000 tonnes of sunflower oil, 50300 tonnes of sunflower meal and 2914 tonnes of sunflower seeds left Ukraine in the fortnight. 26% deliveries were for turkey, 22% for Iran, 22% for South Korea, 8% for China, 5% for Italy, 6% for Ireland, 2% for Romania and 4% for Djibouti. Five bulk carriers loaded with Ukrainian corn and wheat departed from Odesa on August 16. In a nutshell, black sea grain initiative has been a grand success.

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